Undisputed II: Last Man Standing (2006)
Who is in it?
Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Mark Ivanir
Who directed it?
Isaac Florentine
How long is it?
98 minutes
What country is it from?
What language are they speaking?
What’s the irrelevant Rotten Tomatoes Score?
70% (audience)
What’s it about?
Imprisoned in Russia, a man (Michael Jai White) relies on his street-fighting skills while fighting boxers in the ring.
How about a trailer?
Why should I watch it?
Youtuber Divij Sonak has recreated the previously leaked trailer for Infinity War in full high definition. He did this by combining HD footage from past Marvel films and the actual sound from the event. The result is quite awesome and a far better viewing option than the leaked footage.
His notes on the project:
"Here's my attempt at recreating the leaked trailer of Avengers - Infinity War in full high definition. I know I'm pretty late into the part but its only by the time I finished this that I realized others had already done it. Being a Marvel fan, I nevertheless, had to complete this.
I thought of using the exact same sound from the event to keep the reverb feel of the dialogues and of course, the crowd reaction. This was also because doing the sound seemed a bit difficult for me (I'm a newbie you see)
Some shots were also replaced with shots I saw as the best / closest substitutes. This is thus more of a video recreation than an aural one."
So the Ant-Man teaser trailer was pretty much just that, a massive tease. Although there isn't too much revealed, let's take a look and see what we can dig out of these super fast paced 15 seconds!
First shot is of a beat up Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) being escorted by the autorities to somewhere. He doesn't seem to be under arrest, though. No cuffs.
When we eventually get close enough to read the logo on this building, it says "PYM" and has a design that looks like it's made of particles or atoms. For the sake of alliteration, we'll call this the Pym Particles Plant.
Here's Evangeline Lilly as Hope Van Dyne with her awesome Janet Van Dyne hairdo. Looks to be passing by some server racks in some sort of tech lab.
This looks to be a flashback with Michael Douglas' Hank Pym. The tech looks much older. It probably takes place in the Agent Carter/Howard Stark era, as we know they both apppear in the film.
Here's Corey Stoll as Darren Cross, thankfully without his God aweful The Strain wig. Can't make out much from the text on those windows. There is a logo of some kind on the left and it seems to say "Lab" on the right. A bunch of important looking people are following him somewhere...
Prison Fight!!! Maybe Scott was being arrested in that first shot!
At first glance this looked like a training sequence, but upon further review I'd say it's a torture scene. You can see the bag over the victim's head and that he is tied up to the ceiling.
UPDATE- Our friends on Reddit suggest that it's a headgear, not a bag over his head, so maybe it is a training sequence after all.
So who is our torturer? Is that Hope Van Dyne? That doesn't really make sense, but the hair length and color seems to be pretty close to Evangeline Lilly's character. If it is in fact a training sequence, then it all does fit.
Ant-Man! Running away! Or running towards! We can't tell!
See you Tuesday, January 6th! Set your DVR!